Product Packaging
Retail Packs
We have extensive experience in retail pack design, including the preparation of artwork files to a format suitable for manufacturers all over the world.
We produce bar code masters in many formats from 13 digit
EAN retail codes. Industrial
and publishing codes. These can be used for inclusion in our own artworks or to supply as eps files.
Cardboard Engineering
Whether it’s a simple bespoke folder design or an innovative folded cardboard construction to create a stunning retail pack, we have the expertise.
Our small in-house studio enables us to produce both product and pack shots suitable for print and the web. We can also re-touch and edit pictures for a range of applications.
We can produce both simple line drawings to illustrate assembly
instructions, or more complicated pictorials for retail packs to illustrate specific product features.
We can turn your company word documents into well designed, eye catching and coherent literature. Remove 'is our business' If the only thing you have is a hand written script that's no problem. We can work from your jottings, it just takes a little longer...